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The sarod is the instrument popularized by Ustad Ali Akbar Khan. Carved from a block of wood with a goat skin belly and polished steel fingerboard, the sarod can produce long, sustained slides. The right hand plectrum, called a "jaba", is made of coconut shell. Of the 25 strings, 4 are melody strings and the rest are rhythm and sympathetic strings.

We stock a full line of sarods from Naba and Kanai Lal & Sons.

Unlike cheap sarods, the instruments we sell are fully inspected and setup. Your sarod will be restrung, the fingerboard cleaned/polished, pegs fine fit and chalked. These extra steps assure you will get the best sarod you can buy for the price. 

Musicians Mall USA also sells dotars, the little cousin of the sarod. Built in a style similar to the sarod, the dotar is much smaller and can also serve as an ideal travel instrument. 

Please browse below to see our selection of the best sarods and dotars for sale.

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